Spicy Pedals Jalapeño Screamer Amarillo Germanium Pedal
Spice up your tone with the Jalapeño Screamer Amarillo! This fiery overdrive packs rich, vintage warmth with a smooth, natural breakup that responds beautifully to your playing dynamics. Whether you're pushing a clean amp into gritty blues or stacking it with another drive, this pedal delivers a rich, expressive sound that feels alive under your fingers.
Built around four carefully selected 1N34A germanium clipping diodes, the Jalapeño Screamer Amarillo captures the essence of classic tube-like overdrive. It offers a dynamic response with warm saturation and a touch-sensitive feel, making it perfect for players who crave a vintage, organic tone. Dial in anything from subtle breakup to full-bodied drive, all while keeping your guitar’s natural character intact.